
Queen Glam

The Queen Glam balayage was inspired by Queen Rania. It’s a technique designed to maximize highlights, but with subtle contrast. This creates a very delicate look at the top of the head, adding luminosity to the ends, with a well-defined yet fine contour, resulting in a discreet and elegant highlight style.

Recommended for fine hair that needs more volume. Perfect for those looking for natural highlights with low maintenance. For this technique, the hair is divided into four sections: the top, the sides from ear to ear, and the back of the head.

The process starts with transparent highlights: one in the middle and two on each side. Then, three deep-stitched highlights are applied with middle teasing. At the back (lower head), two highlights are done on each side with root teasing. The next highlights will consist of three fine-stitched highlights with root teasing.

For the sides, the first highlight is done with a straight stitch, root stitching, and teasing. Next, the contour is built using the Queen Glam technique. To optimize time, three to five highlights are removed on each side to form the contour. Transparent highlights are applied close to the root with bleach.

To finalize the sides, two to four deep-stitched highlights are applied, with the first strand being thicker at the front of the face and teased towards the back. For the top section, fine stitching with root teasing is used (just to clean new strands), with 1 cm spacing between highlights. For the contour, two transparent highlights are applied without contrast


Blond express

This technique automatically starts with thick highlights and teases the entire midsection up to the top, respecting the natural hair growth line. Once we reach the top, the head is divided centrally and from ear to ear (behind the ear), separating a “U”-shaped section from the highest point of one eyebrow to the other. For the sides, we start with two transparent highlights, following the hair growth line. After that, we proceed with the same technique used for the back section. ​


At Bella Brazil Salon, we offer exclusive treatments that enhance your natural beauty with renowned Brazilian techniques and personalized care.

Surf blond

This is a lighting technique similar to Ombré Hair but also emphasizes face contouring while preserving the natural root appearance! The division is from ear to ear for the front section and the back section!

At the back of the hair, the highlights are wider and not placed in rows (one on top of the other), but in a brick pattern! Start at the nape with two diagonal highlights on each side (forming a “V”), then above it, a straight highlight that falls over the “V,” plus two more on each side! All the way to the top!

For the front, the division follows the same technique as Babylights, but you won’t leave any gaps! The bangs can also be straight, further highlighting the face contour!


Brazilian blond

This technique is one of my favorites because it allows us to create any color, starting from brown highlights to platinum blonde. With this technique, we work with very fine, almost transparent highlights (for a more natural look, use more contrast; for a lighter blonde, use less contrast).

For the sectioning, we divide the hair diagonally from ear to ear, separating the leftover back section. The top section is removed, starting from the alignment of the eyebrows from side to side (top sectioning is important to avoid visible lines).

The process begins at the back, building one highlight over the other in a brick pattern. As we move upward, some highlights are placed diagonally (with soft separations), always ensuring that when one highlight is diagonal, the next one in a straight line will have more contrast. We continue this process until the back is complete, then proceed to the sides and the rest of the hair using the same technique. ​


At Bella Brazil Salon, we offer exclusive treatments that enhance your natural beauty with renowned Brazilian techniques and personalized care.

Light Brunette

For those who want a softer change! The hair sectioning will be as follows: from ear to ear (front section) and the back section! The amount of teasing you apply will determine whether the hair has more or less color volume! For those looking for a very soft result, tease up to 8 times! For a bit more emphasis, 3 to 4 times is enough!

The back section will be divided into 3 rows: one straight section in the middle and two more, one on each side, slightly diagonal (diagonal sectioning ensures the hair doesn’t look marked)! Create one row of highlights and, right above it, leave a row of gaps (for contrast)! All the way to the top: highlights | gap | highlights! Finish the back section with highlights!

For the front, divide the top: half an eyebrow to half an eyebrow and clip! Then, move to the front! For more emphasis, do the first 2 sections without gaps, diagonally divided, and then continue with highlights | gap | highlights! For the top, bring it forward, with 2 consecutive sections (on the bangs), followed by highlights | gap | highlights!

Lighten up to a level of 8! Afterward, wash with shampoo, apply a hydrating or nourishing mask, and detangle the strands!


Copacabana Balayage

As the name suggests, this technique was inspired by the most beautiful boardwalk in Rio de Janeiro. The sectioning is done in four parts, following the same division as the Queen Glam technique. At the back, wide stitched highlights with middle teasing and significant contrast are applied. The entire quadrant up to the middle of the ear follows this same technique. Afterward, fine highlights with middle teasing are introduced.

For the sides, thick highlights with middle teasing are used. At the top, fine highlights with middle teasing are applied, with a 1 cm spacing. The contour will consist of two transparent highlights with root teasing, and the third highlight will be stitched and teased at the root.


At Bella Brazil Salon, we offer exclusive treatments that enhance your natural beauty with renowned Brazilian techniques and personalized care.

Soft blond Balayage

This is a lighting technique similar to Ombré Hair and Surf Blond! However, the back section is softer with more contrast! It preserves the natural root appearance! The division goes from ear to ear for the front section and the back section!

At the back of the hair, the highlights will be wider and placed in rows, one above the other! However, the sequence will be: Highlight | Gap | Highlight! The bangs can also be straight or in a “V” shape! A “V” shape will highlight the face contour more!

If the bangs are straight, teasing isn’t necessary (up to 3 highlights). If they are in a “V” shape, it’s better to tease (up to 4 highlights).


Bella Balayage

Bella Brazil introduced a Brazilian technique with a luxurious Arabic style. With this, we decided to merge both nationalities into a new highlighting technique. We chose Queen Glam, inspired by Queen Rania, and Copa Cabana, inspired by Rio de Janeiro’s iconic boardwalk. This allowed us to showcase Bella Brazil’s identity in one of our techniques.


At Bella Brazil Salon, we offer exclusive treatments that enhance your natural beauty with renowned Brazilian techniques and personalized care.


Highlights with lifting of the natural base

This technique involves lifting the client’s natural base and then applying highlights.

Base Lifting:
This can be done in two ways, both performed with wet hair.

First Option: Use a bleach mixture with a more liquid consistency, using volumes 10 or 20, applying it to the mid-lengths and ends while preserving the roots. After reaching the desired base, emulsify to the roots for 5 minutes. Then, wash thoroughly with a treatment shampoo and apply a mask.
Recommended for colored hair, henna-treated hair, or chemically straightened hair.

Second Option: Apply a color base that is four levels lighter than the natural hair color. Use volumes 20 or 30, applying it to the mid-lengths and ends, leaving it on for 30 to 40 minutes, and emulsify the roots for 10 minutes.
Recommended for natural, untreated hair.

After this process, highlights are applied according to the technique best suited for the client.



For those who want a change but prefer contrast, even with intense color! The hair sectioning will be as follows: from ear to ear (front section) and the back section! The amount of teasing you apply will determine whether the hair has more or less color volume! For a very soft look, tease up to 6 times! For a bit of emphasis, 3 times is enough!

The back section will be divided into 3 rows: one straight highlight in the middle and two more, one on each side, slightly diagonal (diagonal sectioning ensures the hair doesn’t look marked)! Create TWO consecutive rows of highlights, one above the other, and right above, add a row of gaps (for contrast)!

All the way to the top: highlights | highlights | gap | highlights | highlights! Finish the back section with 2 consecutive rows of highlights! For the front, divide the top: half an eyebrow to half an eyebrow and clip it! Then, move to the front! For more emphasis, do the first 3 sections without gaps, diagonally divided, and then continue with highlights | gap | highlights!

For the top, bring it forward, also doing 3 consecutive sections (on the bangs), followed by highlights | gap | highlights! Lighten to a level of 9 to 10! Afterward, wash with shampoo, apply a hydrating or nourishing mask, and detangle the strands!


At Bella Brazil Salon, we offer exclusive treatments that enhance your natural beauty with renowned Brazilian techniques and personalized care.

Correction color

This color correction technique is recommended when the hair has experienced chemical breakage, lacks definition, or is unevenly colored. It involves backcombing the hair and coloring the backcombed sections. Let it process for 30 minutes, then rinse, blur the roots, and tone the hair.

1st Step:
Divide the hair into sections. Isolate the section you will be working on and clip the rest.

2nd Step:
Backcomb the hair tuft by tuft, applying the color gradually. When preparing the dye, use a scale to ensure consistency and prevent dripping.

If you want the color to adhere very well, use 20 or 13 volume developer and leave it on for 30 minutes. This will open the hair’s base, which is fine because you will blur the roots afterward.

If the client plans to get highlights later, it’s better to use a 6 volume developer, but still let it process for 30 minutes.